Any amount is welcome. Thank you.
At 60, I have everything I need.
There are many problems in the world that cannot be solved but sometimes there are simple solutions that can make life a whole letter better. A cleft lip can make life hard for many people, but thanks to organisations like Operation Smile this is a problem that has a solution. Thank you in advance to those who contribute to my 60th birthday collection.
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9 841 kr

Deidre Smith gav 500 kr

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  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr

    Happy birthday Deidre! This is an amazing idea! All the best to you, love from C.

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Thank you so much for your generous contribution. 😃 😊 😀
  • Malene  Schmidt Malene Schmidt gav 300 kr

    Congratulations Deidre wished Patrik and Malene

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Thank you very much. A big smile from me! 😃 😊 😀
  • Åsa Forsman Åsa Forsman gav 300 kr

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Tack så mycket.😊
  • Peta O'Donohue Peta O'Donohue gav 100 €

    A lovely idea Deidre! All the best for a fabulous 60th year and beyond, lots of long distance hugs, Peta xox

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Thanks heaps. 😃 😊 🙂 😀 Smiles from far away.
  • Jennifer Ericson Jennifer Ericson gav 300 kr

    Happy 60th Birthday Deidre!

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Thank you so much Jennifer. A wonder present. 😃 😊
  • Tracey Green Tracey Green gav 300 kr

    Happy birthday Deidre! Hope you enjoy your celebrations. Love Tracey

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Thank you so much Tracey 💓
  • Virginia Vlassopoulos Virginia Vlassopoulos gav 500 kr

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: You are so kind Virginia. I hope we can catch up in the not too distant future. Smiles to you. 😃 😊 🙂 😀
  • Lena Larsén Lena Larsén gav 500 kr

    Grattis och hurra på 60-årsdagen bästa Deidre!

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Tack jättemycket. 😃 😊
  • Anonym Anonym gav 4 000 kr

    Happy 60th birthday Deidre! From your SIS fan club!

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Thank you to all my wonderful colleagues for your contributions. The best present ever. ❤️ 😍 💖
  • Ingrid Hellman Ingrid Hellman gav 300 kr

    Grattis Deidre. Önskar Ingrid och Steve

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Tack så mycket Ingrid och Steve.
  • Eva Hemdal Eva Hemdal gav 500 kr

    Grattis Deidre till att snart bli 60 år. Vi hurrar och kommer på cake-party

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Tack så mycket Eva. Jag ser fram emot att träffas snart!
  • Anonym Anonym gav 200 kr

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Thank you so much. A wonderful way to appreciate turning 60!
  • Christine Öman Christine Öman gav 500 kr

    Happy Birthday, Deidre!

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: Merci beaucoup. A wonderful gift to celebrate my birthday.
  • Deidre Smith Deidre Smith gav 500 kr

    Starting the ball rolling with some birthday money.

    Deidre Smith Deidre Smith: 😃 😊